Factors of sustainable development of regional economies: world experience


  • Elmaz Abdulgazis Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov


factors of regional economic development, economic development cycles, sustainable economic development goals, regional economy


The article provides a brief historical analysis of economic persistence; the causes, goals and factors of sustainable development of the millennium are given; three main goals of sustainable development are revealed and analyzed; Scientific publications in the following areas were studied: sustainable development, modeling of sustainable development, sustainable development of cities and regions, the article noted the specifics of modeling sustainable development at the regional level; the main directions of implementation of sustainable development at the regional level were studied, using the example of a model for monitoring the dynamics of an ecological system, a model of a sustainable city in a village; the main series of problems associated with modeling sustainable development in the regions are identified and prospects for further scientific research in this direction are outlined.




How to Cite

Factors of sustainable development of regional economies: world experience. (2023). "Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance.", 4, 130-139. https://www.portal-u.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/896